Friday, March 16, 2012

Updating my cocos2d apps for the new iPad

Oy. When you make a cocos2d app for iOS, there is a boilerplate line in the App Delegate class... goes like this:

if( ! [director enableRetinaDisplay:YES] )
    CCLOG(@"Retina Display Not supported");

But, uh oh! New iPad is retina, too! I have at least 5 apps using that line of code. That makes the new iPad think it's in retina mode, so the display gets all messed up!

So here's the fix:

if(![AppDelegate isIPad]){
    if( ! [director enableRetinaDisplay:YES] ) {
        CCLOG(@"Retina Display Not supported");

You can use your own "isIPad" methodology... I check for the height and width of the screen. Using this line, retina is not enabled for the new iPad, only for the other devices which support it... iPhone 4 and 4s. The next step, of course, would be to enable retina for new iPad and actually supply those double-sized huge graphics, but that's for another day.

And, even though I'm ready with new updates and have been for several days, only one of the 5 apps I submitted (Guess Your Songs) has made it through the Apple review queue... and that was after an expedite request ;)

You can find my iOS apps by searching for "daveworld" in the app store.

Any other snafus people have found getting ready for the new iPad? Any apps expected to misbehave on opening day?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Guess Your Songs at GDC Play 2012

What a blast! Guess Your Songs hosted a kiosk at GDC Play 2012. It was in San Francisco at the Moscone Center... specifically, Moscone South, in the Esplanade Ballroom, March 6-8. It was a great way to showcase our music interest-based social gaming platform, Guess Your Songs... it was affordable for our little startup, and it was set apart just enough from the larger Game Developers Conference so that actually interested people were the ones to stop by.

Dave Schuman & Gary Moskoff
with Guess Your Songs at GDC
Dave and Lisa Oh
and the Yoshi shirt :)
And when I say actually interested people, I mean the sorts of people an Indie game developer wants to meet... investor and big-name company contacts. GDC Play turned out to be exactly the sort of venue where folks are looking to uncover the next great gaming phenomenon.

If anything, the thing the event seemed to be lacking was press. I suppose that makes sense, since there was the actual Game Developers Conference expo floor right across the street, not to mention Apple's big hub-bub about the new iPad.

And even without a huge press contingent, we managed to make it into one full video interview with the fun and talented Lisa Oh. Here's that interview:
We also scored a short video bit on NBC's TechNow with Scott Budman... the clip isn't posted online yet for that spot (as of the time of this writing). If you happened to be watching the 6:00pm NBC news on March 7th, you probably missed our spot that time you blinked... but we were there ;)

A few other reviews have popped up as well... for example, Guess Your Songs was recently featured as an iMore Pick of the Week, and popular blogger Dave Taylor wrote us a nice review on his site.

Here are some other photos from GDC 2012.

Were you at the Game Developers Conference?

What did you think? Did you make it over to GDC Play?

What's your favorite new game that's coming out?